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"This thing hung on the outside of my bedroom door for literally years. After I moved in with my boyfriend in 2013 it hung on a random door in our basement for a while because he thought it was funny. I don't think the "doorbell" function was ever really used, which might explain why it still somehow works, almost 15 years later. I feel like this kind of object represents a time before I "knew better" how deeply uncool it is to own something like this. It's a very classic piece of preteen memorabilia."


Reason for Purchase

I have no idea what I was thinking when I bought this. It would have been right after my family moved back to Edmonton from being in the Middle East for six years, and I think my brother and I were buying all kinds of things to decorate our rooms. As a 12-year-old getting angstier by the day, I guess I decided I needed a doorbell/do not disturb sign for my bedroom. And I really liked cats, so that was a plus.


Reason for Donation

What else do I do with this? It's super tacky, and it's not like I need something that essentially amounts to an "I demand privacy from my mom" sign for my door — I don't live with her anymore.

Plush Cat Doorbell

  • Year of Purchase


  • Location of Purchase

    Claire's, Southgate Mall, Edmonton, Alberta

  • Accession Number


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