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"This was purchased at a flea market as a gift for someone. Somehow the gift never made its way to that person and so it held multiple homes over the past 8+ years. As of 2016 it sat neglected and forgotten on a shelf as the box or trinkets it originally sat in was water damaged and thrown out. The paperweight was never used as a paperweight but somehow managed to exist in my household for almost 9 years without being used for any other purpose either." 


Reason for Purchase

Meant to be a gift for someone but forgot to give it to them and have held onto it ever since.


Reason for Donation

The item doesn't really hold any real meaning to me personally and it has no use for me. For some bizarre reason I never felt compelled to throw it out. This is the kind of item you randomly come across (as I did) and are never quite sure what to do with it.

Swan Paperweight

  • Year of Purchase


  • Location of Purchase

    Stouffville flea market, Stoufville, Ontario

  • Accession Number


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